Past Events

Dodd-Frank, EMIR and FIEA: overview, comparison and future developments

Seiji Matsuzoe of White and Case gave to IBA Japan members an overview of the regulatory framework relating to OTC derivatives from a Japanese bank and financial institution perspective, including:

overview of Dodd-Frank Act and EMIR
proposed or expected development in Japanese OTC derivative regulations
comparison of Dodd-Frank Act, EMIR and FIEA


Forensic Data Preparedness – Moderating the Costs of Cyber Crime Investigation

 Jim Pelczar (Senior Vice President, Forensic and Dispute Services, Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory) gave an overview of the “cybercriminal marketplace” and the evolution of cyber-crime syndicates. The presentation included examples of attacks made against financial institutions, and some of the issues associated with third party vendors that provide services to financial institutions. Jim also outlined strategies that a financial institution can use to moderate the cost of forensic investigations.


Recent AML developments in Japan and globally

Ms. Hue Dang (Head of Asia, ACAMS) gave an overview of recent AML issues globally and outlined key points including:

•Key Issues from regulators and law enforcement agents
•Risk Assessment and other FI Expectations and Key Components of an Effective Risk-Based AML/CTF Compliance Program
•What to Expect in 2014
Mr. Masahiko Hibino (Head of Japan, ACAMS) highlighted recent AML developments and challenges in Japan.
