
KPMG Publishes its 2015 Foreign Banks in Japan Survey

KPMG released its annual survey of published financial statements of foreign banks operating in Japan.

The financial information included in this survey represent the English translation of the condensed balance sheets for the fifty-six foreign banks registered in Japan and their related condensed statements of income as of and for the year ended March 31, 2015.

To see the survey follow this link: - Foreign Banks in Japan Survey 2015.

GFMA, ISDA, IACPM and JFMC respond to the Basel Consultation on Internal Risk Models

London – 22 June 2016: The Global Financial Markets Association (GFMA), along with the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (ISDA), the International Association of Credit Portfolio Managers (IACPM) and the Japan Financial Markets Council (JFMC), today responded to the Basel Committee’s consultation on Reducing variation in credit risk-weighted assets – constraints on the use of internal model approaches. The full response is available here

IBA Japan 新会長のお知らせ

(ジョナサン B. キンドレッド (左) とフィリップ・アヴリル (右)、IBA Japan 年次総会).


このたび国際銀行協会の新会長に、フィリップ・アヴリル (BNPパリバ証券株式会社 代表取締役会長) が選出されましたことをお知らせ申し上げます。弊協会の理事の互選により選ばれ、年次総会(2017年11月29日開催)において、会員からも支持を受けました。

2011年から国際銀行協会の会長としてリーダーシップを発揮した、ジョナサン B. キンドレッド(モルガン・スタンレー・ホールディングス株式会社 代表取締役社長)は、引き続き理事として協会運営に携わって参ります。

一般社団法人 国際銀行協会


一般社団法人 国際銀行協会

電話: 03-6205-7531

2014 IBA Japan Annual Bank GM Meeting, Address by FSA Deputy Director General & Reception

IBA Japan held its 9th Annual Bank GMs Meeting and Reception on May 29th at BNP Paribas, followed by a reception with over 100 guests. The main speaker was Mr. Kiyotaka Sasaki (Deputy Director General, Inspection Department, Financial Services Agency) who discussed the FSA's financial monitoring of foreign banks, including areas of recent regulatory focus and the future direction of monitoring. 

Official Notification; November 2019





Nov. 2019.

IBA Japan welcomes the Japan Securities Clearing Corporation’s (JSCC) publication of its Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures Disclosure.

IBA Japan welcomes the Japan Securities Clearing Corporation’s  (JSCC) publication of its Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures Disclosure. The JSCC is fully compliant with the Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMI) and this detailed public document of how it is compliant is useful to market participants and to other stakeholders both in Japan and abroad.